Wendy's Subway ©

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    By Series 

    • Chapbook/Zine Series: $40 for 5 chapbooks
    • Document Series: $75 for 4 titles 

    By Level

    • $200 for 15 titles in 2020 (& more to be announced)
    • $300  for 15 titles in 2020 (& more to be announced)
      [note: $25 is tax-deductible]
    • $500 for 15 titles in 2020 (& more to be announced)
      [note: $225 is tax-deductible]
      + special edition broadsides
      + signed copies of all books 
    • $1,000 for 15 titles in 2020 (& more to be announced)
      [note: $225 is tax-deductible]
      + special edition broadsides
      + signed copies of all books
      + unique artist edition


    For Libraries / Institutions 

    • $350 for institution for 15 titles in 2020 (& more to be announced)

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