Wendy's Subway ©

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  1. One-Time Donations

    Help support our library, year-long programming, and our community of writers and artists by making a one-time, tax-deductible donation today. Wendy's Subway warmly welcomes your one-time tax-deductible donations. We accept donations online, by check, or by wire transfer (details upon request).

    Online donation:

    Checks can be made out to:

    Wendy's Subway Inc.
    379 Bushwick Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11206

    Email info@wendyssubway.com for wire transfer information.

    All donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

  2. Thanks to recent support from:

    Jessica Acee, Deirdre Burns, David Buuck, Kaye Cain-Nielsen, Alex Chaparro, Dustin Flannery-McCoy, Isaac Fuchs, Madeleine George, Joseph Henry, Frederick Hortsman, Jeremy Hoevenaar, Lucy Hunter, Alfred Jackson, Nathaniel Kruis, David Larsen, Eve Levy, Donald and Rita Longabucco, Carley Moore, Raul Nunez, Laurin Raiken, Seen Salyani, Josephine Shokrian, Emily Toder, Jay and Sarah Valinsky, Robin Vance, Rachael Woolen

  3. Grants / Foundations

    Brooklyn Arts Council (2017, 2018)
    Citizens Committee for New York City (2017)
    Common Field (2018)
    Community of Literary Magazines & Presses (2018)
    Humanities New York (2017, 2018)
    Poets & Writers, Inc. (2016, 2017)
    Resnick Family Foundation, Inc. (2016)

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